Hi, there. It does sound like it's possibly the beginning stages of a fungal infection. You're lucky you caught it so quickly! To eliminate the fungus quickly and naturally, rub some Tea Tree Oil into and around your toenails when you wake up in the morning (after bathing) and before you go to bed. Tea Tree Oil is the strongest antifungal known and compares equally or better to prescribed antifungal meds. Drink a lot of water right now so that your body can flush out the fungus. Drinking a glass of water with 1-2 drops of Tea Tree Oil in it 2-3 times per day. (Don't overdo it, though, as it is strong.) Eat a lot of garlic (or take supplements) and take a Probiotic or an acidophilus supplement. All of these will help eliminate the fungus quickly and will help ensure it doesn't exist anywhere else in your body. I wish you the best of luck!!Toenail fungus?
it's a fungus, which is common after you get a pedicure. But don't fret it doesn't happen all the time! just go to your local drugstore and pick up some dr. scholls or whatever they have that will remove the fungus.
sometimes you have to ask them to wash the tools again. or you can bring in your own pedicure kit.
probaly is fungus!!!
Yes it sounds like a toe nail fungus i had it a few years a go .My doctor prescribed me some pills for 6 months .You may have to take something orally to get better.l
me some pills i had to take for 6 months so it even tally went away you will have to take something oral to get better.
yes it is fungus, i had the same thing.
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