Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Foot fungus treatment?

cream adv. on tvFoot fungus treatment?
Lamisil helps for athlete's foot or tinea. You apply the cream once a day for something like 3 to 6 weeks to cure it.Foot fungus treatment?
grapefruit seed oil be careful with it tho

do a little research online or ask a Naturopathic Dr
Which brand? There are quite a few on the market these days. They work for some people %26amp; not for others. It all depends on the individual. The stuff at the 99cent store usually does the same as the higher priced products. Clean your feet DAILY with soap %26amp; water, dry feet completely, apply cream, put on socks %26amp; shoes. If you wear sandals without socks, then you should apply the cream at night BEFORE you go to bed %26amp; put socks on to keep the cream ON your feet while you sleep. In the morning, just remove socks %26amp; put your sandals on. If you shower upon waking, then the cream will wash off %26amp; you can reapply for the day or NOT! Applying the cream at least ONCE a day will greatly reduce the fungal bacteria %26amp; growth. You still will need to give yourself a good pedicure %26amp; scrape off the dead skin on your feet. The fungus lives in that dead skin. If you use a pumice stone, you MUST disinfect it each time with bleach or peroxide to prevent re-infecting your feet with the pesky fungal bacteria! Change socks DAILY %26amp; get yourself some new shoes to slow down the fungus that lives in %26amp; on your shoes! Having washable shoes %26amp; sole inserts is a good idea when you have a foot fungus problem!

*Edit: Don't forget to keep your shower %26amp; tubs clean! Every place your feet touch can be a breeding ground for the fungus %26amp; when you walk over it barefoot, you are picking up %26amp; leaving the fungus! I use bleach in my mop water %26amp; keep a can of cleanser that has bleach in it to clean my shower. Alcohol is also useful in cleaning %26amp; disinfecting the stall floor, IF you can stand the smell of it! Pine-sol only traps the fungus %26amp; does not seem to kill it!
otc product at most pharmacies..Fungi-Cure...liquid, apply with provided's wonders
Have you noticed if you get yeast infections easily also? This can be a sugar related issue. Yeast feeds on sugar. When you eat more candy, breads etc. It may end up getting worse. Drink lots of water, filtered. Take live probiotics that are kept in a refrigerator. Saccramyces Boulardii is also a help. Take these the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and the last thing at night. It will take time, it could be a long while, 3-6 months. Always wear socks. Get some Tea Tree Oil spray for feet at the health food store. It works miracles. spray your shoes with it at night. Wash them often if possible. It always starts with what is within. Get new shoes if you have to. Fungus loves sweat and bacteria. Use a little peroxide in your wash water for your clothes. It will help kill off many buggies we don't want!
use sulfur soap

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