Topical (surface) treatments don't work! Keeping your nails clean and dry can prevent a fungal infection, but can't cure one once it is established under your nail bed.
Go to your doctor and see if you can handle a course of Lamisil or other such oral medication. You do need a blood test to make sure your liver is working well, but if so then you just take the pills for a couple months. It works great for most people, with very few side effects.
Be patient though: It takes quite a while before the nails start to grow out clear.DUDE I have nail fungus?
keep it clean and dry.
try not to wear shoes for a while.
try to clean it with soap and water, and then finish it with antibiotic powder.
my daughter had the same problem..
she was advise by the Dr. to wash in a anti bacterial solution and apply anti fungus cream..daily.
Yes keep it clean by Detol liquid
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