Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nail fungus?

ok ihave a bet with my friend she got a small nail fungus on her toe from a pedicure place we think, we saw an ad for lamasil on tv, it says the nail falls off. I say only the infected nail falls off she says the doctor told her all of the nails will fall off, i dont believe him. do u have any experience with it?Nail fungus?
believe it or not, vicks vapo-rub works!! it was in time magazine a few months ago and someone i know tried it on her toenail

you just put it underneath the nail- you can try to scrape out some fungus if you want before u apply the rug.

good luck

btw: lamasil didn't work for this person! and its expensive too!Nail fungus?
Nail fungus, is a condition that affects the nail of around 6% to 8% of the adult population. A change in color, thickening of the nail, becoming brittle, rippled nail or nail falling off, may be a sign of nail fungus.

Have a look at for more

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Do you think that many people on Y-Answers will have more knowledge and more credibility on this matter than the Doctor?
I had a toenail fungus a couple of months ago. I was given a cream and it cleared it up. My nail didn't fall off. And why should the other unaffected nails fall off, anyway? I think maybe your friend didn't hear him right?

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